. . . forgive us of our baiting. As we forgive those who bait against us.
-The Kek's prayer

Rootless America. Corporatism and free markets suck.

Did I ever tell you the story about that one time I met a native Austinite when I lived in Austin?

Growing up I made good friends twice, we moved shortly afterwards. You might notice there’s a difference in the US between people who have childhood friends, family and roots in the place they live. They have a lot of useful connections and are more likely to have a social support system. The rest of us live like refugees in many ways without a connection to a local culture.

Cities and towns used to make things that the people there used. Economy of scale centralized production. So now you need to move out of state to get a job, and move again as industry moves. Comparative advantage in economics is that a country is better off focusing on what it’s good at and let other things be done elsewhere, even if it’s better at the thing it gives up. This is used as justification to replace high wage manufacturing jobs with low wage service jobs.

If you want a meaningful life for your children, they need to grow up in a place they can stay and build a life like a normal human.

July 17th, 2017

Nuclear War isn't that bad

They're just big bombs.

If nuclear winter could actually happen, we shoud've seen some effects on the climate by now. 1,054 nuclear tests by official count, including 216 above ground (some underwater though).

Radiation from bomb fallout dissipates much faster than from a reactor: weeks/months instead of years/decades.

Nukes aren't very different from dropping a bunch of firebombs, 11 million napalm bombs or agent orage, it just has better marketing.
The US burned hundreds of thousands of Japan's civilians to death in 67 cities with conventional firebombs. Japan didn't surrender because we nuked them; they surrendered before we nuked them. It's a little known fact that we basically tested the nukes on them unnecesarily because we accepted the same terms of surrender from before we dropped the nukes. The argument that nukes were important in WW2 is a lie.

Nucelear war would still be bad, but it wouldn't end life on earth.

The US politicians have built themselves massive nulcear bunker preparations (with your tax dollars), and the Russian government built them for their actual people. It's quite possible nuclear war will happen, but the world will still be around if you survive it.

June 28th, 2017

Tech Companies reach record evaluations

What a solid indu . . .

Maybe it's just matching the stock market bubble, but with even more speculation.

It's always been a game of short term, build a company, get rich, cash out at all costs. Furtile ground for bubbles.

Tech is one of the few industries that has middle class wages. The ~510K jobs taken from Americans and given to non-Americans brought in from abroad only keeps what would be very good wages to a good wage.

Automation has helped shrink the workforce, but when the bubble crashes, companies won't be doing cutting edge development stuff if they're in business at all.

If you're in tech, it's time to start your own E-commerce site selling catfood, squirrel meat seasoning and crash helmets.

June 28th 2017

The Third World is Full of Dummies

And the first world's people are being replaced by them.

If you click on the video and look past the laughing Pakistani man, you'll see the burning remains of cars and 153+ people who just won the Darwin award.

Average IQ seems to track the development of countries. Pakistan's is 84. That's why hundreds of people were salvaging spilt gasoline from a crashed tanker truck. The fumes must have been tremendous, yet they didn't seem to think that it was liable to blow even if a car passed by and left a spark. It ended up being a man trying to light a cigarette that ignited the gas killing 153+ people an hospitalizing at least as many. Muslums have practiced cousin mairrage for hundreds of years, this creates low iq people.

Remember when that junkie accidentally burned down a bridge in the US?

The first world will begin to look like the third as we take in more third world people. Starting with Sweden, although much of the US is closer to the thrid world than you think.

June 27th, 2017

Minimum Wage Debate Continues

Meanwhile, the american dream is now to live in a nice trailer.

You're likely to be exposed to the canned debate . . . cough, ruse, cough . . . about the minimum wage. It goes like this:

  1. (Liberal) I'm virtuous.

    ~"Corporations are bad + my fee fees = wages should go up."

  2. (Libertarian) I'm super smart and (corporate) educated.

    ~"Wages up = employment down & inflation."

  3. (Cuckservative) Why aren't we talking about me?!

    ~"Nobody deserves to not work 80 hours a week if they can only flip burgers. All 78 million minimum wage workers should just get the 78 million better jobs."

If you look it up you'll find congress hasn't adjusted it for inflation much less given a raise in too long. Congress has given 78 million people a 43%, ($3.14/hr), wage decrease since 1979"*

The minimum wage ruse is a distraction from a civizational level crisis.

The largest heist in history has been the hollowing out of the middle class from the west and dispersing it to the 3rd world and the rich. Jobs moved to the 3rd world. The 3rd world moved to the 1st to pull wages down and prop rents up. People get education to get the pay grampa did; if they suceed, they're still worse off than grampa who didn't lose 4 years of income or pay tuition. If they lose, they're move screwed than before college.

The simple solution is to reverse the problem.

We've got a reverse Mercantalism now, so lets do Mercantalism.

Immigration has been screwing the job and housing market; let's reverse that. The US should loose 3 million people a year.

Minimum wage started at $2.90 in Jan 1979. That is $10.39 in May 2017 using BLS inflation calculator.*

June 26th, 2017

Kekistani attacked by armed millitia!

The rise of the Oathcucks

Wearing full millita gear and long guns in the middle of a museum district park, the oathcuckers gallantly stroked their egos acting tough in all their cool gear. They were defending the Sam Houston statue against a fake Houston antifa threat on June 10th. (Who could have been behind the fake antifa announcement? Who?)

When /pol/ says jump. . .

There was a Kekistani there, of course, with traditional memes. The oathcucker's body armor was no match for the memes; they knew they were in real danger of exposure to reality.
20 armed men in camo and flak vests surrounded the unarmed polo wearing kikistani with his memes. It would have been a fair fight were it not for an illegal invader with a rifle on his shoulder. With 20 armed men taunting and closing in, Carlos Leija snuck up on our Kekistani brother like a little bitch and choked him from behind. Some of the more intelligent oathcuckers realized ICE might deport carlos if he killed the man for his memes and got him to stop.

Repeat after me:
Oath. . . Cuckers. . .

Oathcuckers are standing against freedom of speech. They stand for nothing but a circle-jerk of LARPers. They're literally backing up armed foreigners attacking Americans on American soil and violently expelling Americans from public spaces for expressing themselves.

... but the antifa bait . . . the memes . . . made them look like idiot LARPers. . . muh fee fees are more important than freedom of speech . . . Can't I just say natzi and attack? . . .

Where were the Oathkeepers?
Oathkeepers: Nobody on the right likes violent anti-free speech LARPers.


  1. Don't cuck out and #notAll
  2. Shame and oust the 20 who were kicking that man out for his speech. (some are probably infiltrators)
  3. Get Carlos deported.
  4. Advertize 1 & 2.
  5. Be respected again.

Failing that. Nobody's going to back you up if you need it.

June 25th, 2017

The fire rises.

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